Rodent Control Central Coast
Stop rodent infestation with our professional rodent control. We provide rodent treatments and control on the Central Coast.
Call Anthony from AM Pest Control to book your rodent pest control service.
Central Coast Rodent Control
Don’t let rodent infestations control your home or office.
Rats and mice quickly take over your home and cause health problems.
AM Pest Solutions are experienced in rodent control on the Central Coast. We offer professional, affordable and guaranteed rodent control services to get rid of your rat and mice problems fast.
Below is some information on the typical rodents that cause problems for both residential and commercial areas.
Rodents cause many issues in homes and offices
Only those who have previously experienced a rodent infestation on their property will be able to comprehend the true extent of the damage rodents are capable of doing. Apart from chewing on everything they can find, rodents also carry bacteria, diseases and fleas.
Rodents are dangerous to both our pets and humans alike.
Regardless of their size, mice can present a huge problem for your home or business. They can do damage to your personal belongings, as well as contaminate your water and food.
Even more serious is the fact that they are known to spread a number of diseases, bacteria and fleas. More information on rodents and their habits
Contact AM Pest Solutions Central Coast to book your pest service.
Roof Rat
ROOF RAT (Rattus Rattus).
Size: Rodent that may grow up to 250grams in weight the length can be around 25cm long with a longer tail than its body it has a pointed nose and ears are large, prominent, almost hairless.
Colour: Fine grey to black and maybe white beneath.
Behaviour: The roof rats uses its tail to climb and does not burrow. They tend to eat a range of fruit and vegetables and cereals, it will live in high places like roof voids, garages.
The most common entry point for the roof rat to enter a property is through holes where air conditioning pipes go up into the roof, gaps under exterior doors and any broken exterior of the home.
Life Span: Roof Rats have a life span of around 12 months it reaches sexual maturity at 3 to 4 months of age and has around 6 to 8 young 4 to 5 times per year.
Treatment: There is a range of treatments from non- chemical control to chemical control these range from simple proofing of holes to snap traps, live multi-catch traps and glue boards.
Chemical treatment is done by using rodent wax blocks, rodent tracking powders and gels with the chemical treatment all baits need to be either in a lockable bait box or secured down to prevent no target species taking the baits. Chemical treatments are recommended to be done by a licensed Pest Controller.
Book your rodent inspection today. Remember, rodents are active all year round.
Norway Rat
NORWAY RAT (Rattus Norvegicus).
Size: Rodent that may grow up to 500grams in weight the body length can be around 28 to 30cm long the nose is blunt and ears are small, close-set and a very finely haired tail is shorter than its body.
Colour: Very Coarse fur which is red-brown in colour.
Behaviour: The Norway Rat is a rat that will make burrows in the ground can swim very well and nest inside and outside. It prefers to have a diet of garbage, meats, fish and cereals.
Life Span: Norway Rat has a life span of around 12 months it reaches sexual maturity at 3 to 4 months of age and has around 8-10 young 5-6 times per year.
Treatment: There is a range of treatments from non-chemical control to chemical control these range from simple proofing of holes to snap traps, live multi-catch traps and glue boards.
Chemical control is done by using rodent wax blocks, rodent tracking powder and gel baits with the chemical control all baits need to be placed either in a lockable bait box or secured down to prevent non-target species from taking them. Chemical treatments are recommended to be done by a licensed Pest Controller.
Book your rodent inspection today. Remember, rodents are active all year round.

House Mouse
HOUSE MOUSE (Mus Musculus).
Size: Rodent that may grow up to 20grams in weight, the length can be around 5cm long with a tail that is as long as it’s body and head. Their nose is pointed and ears are fairly large.
Colour: Fine brown to grey in colour.
Behaviour: The House mouse can burrow as well as makes it’s a nest in wall cavities, Furniture around the home and garage areas.
The diet of the house mouse is cereals and grains. The most common point of entry into a home is under doors, pipes coming up into the house.
Life Span: House Mice have a life span around 12 months it reaches sexual maturity at 6 weeks of age has around 5 to 6 young 6 to 10 times per year.
Treatment: There is a range of treatments from non-chemical to chemical control these range from simple proofing of entry points with bristle strips to snap traps, live multi-catch traps and glue boards.
Chemical treatment is done by using rodent wax blocks, rodent tracking powders and gels or liquid baits with chemical treatments all baits need to be either in a lockable bait box or secured down to prevent no target species taking the baits. Chemical treatment is recommended to be done by a licensed Pest Controller.
Book your rodent inspection today. Remember, rodents are active all year round.