Effective Termite Treatments

Effective Termite Treatments

With all the rain the east coast has had over the last 12 months there has been an increase in termite activity. So what are my treatment options if I have termites? Termite Baiting The main treatment most commonly used is Termite baiting which covers feeding Termites...
How to Prevent Termite Infestations

How to Prevent Termite Infestations

Termites can be a major problem for any property owner. While they can be difficult to detect, they can cause major damage to your property if they are left untreated.  Termites are attracted to moist wood, so it is important to keep your property dry and free of...
Types of Termites found on the Central Coast

Types of Termites found on the Central Coast

Termites exist in colonies which are made up of several cast which all serve a part to maintain the survival of the colony. They are the Queen, King, Workers, Soldiers and reproductive. Here on the Central Coast, we have 3 main species of termites that cause damage to...